Angelina El Ghaziri

Associate Professor

Department of statistics and computer science

Research unit: Research Institute of Horticulture and Seeds


Current courses

Descriptive statistics 

  • L1: initiation to R and descriptive statistics. 

Linear models  

  • L2: analysis of variance (one factor), simple linear regression.
  • L3: analysis of variance (two factors with interaction), multiple linear regression.

Experimental designs  

  • M1 horticulture specialty: completely randomized design, randomized complete block design, Latin square design, fractional factorial design. split-plot design.
  • M1 (vegetal biology): completely randomized design, randomized complete block design, Latin square design.
  • Sampling designs.
  • M1: introduction to sampling designs and data treatment with factorial analysis such as correspondence analysis and multiple correspondence analysis.

Statistics for transcriptomic data analysis  

  • M2 BV (vegetal biology): introduction to RNA seq data analysis and analysis with R.
  • Logistic regression and analysis of covariance.
  • M2 BV (vegetal biology): introduction to logistic regression and analysis of covariance with R application.

Past courses

Multidimensional data analysis (University of Nantes, France)

  • Master 1 mathematics and application, optimization in operational research (ORO): principal component analysis (PCA) and classification (CAH, K-means). 
  • Master 1 bioinformatics: introduction to multidimensional exploratory analysis, PCA, CAH, K-means.
  • System of geographical information (SIG) and spatial data modelling (University of Nantes, France).
  • Master 2 CER (cartography of areas at risk):  introduction to cartography with R.
  • Mathematics  (University of Nantes, France).
  • L1 PCGSi (physics, chemistry, geo-sciences, science for engineer): real and complex numbers, study of functions, linear equations and integration. 
  • Probability (University of Nantes, France).
  • L2 Math-Eco:  discrete probabilities (Counting, conditioning and independences, discrete random variables, expectation and variance).
  • Descriptive and inferential statistics. 
  • Second year engineer:  generic methods for an engineer and application with R (Ecole des Mines Nantes).
  • Second- and third-year engineer:  probability, descriptive statistics, linear regression, comparison of means and Chi2 test (ESB Nantes, France).


  • data reduction techniques
  • construction of sampling designs 
  • construction of experimental designs
  • parameter estimation

I contributed to different research axes about data reduction techniques, construction of sampling design and parameter estimation for non-gaussian distribution. I also acquired expertise in the construction of experimental design through teaching and helping other researchers to construct their designs. I dealt with different types of data: sensometrics, chemometrics, genomics, surveys, and Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging.


  • El Ghaziri, A.; Bouhlel, N.; Sapoukhina, N.; Rousseau, D. (2023) On the Importance of Non-Gaussianity in Chlorophyll Fluorescence Imaging. Remote Sens. 15, 528. 
  • Rayan Eid, Claudine Landès, Alix Pernet, Emmanuel Benoît, Pierre Santagostini, Angelina El Ghaziri, Julie Bourbeillon (2022). DIVIS: a semantic DIstance to improve the VISualisation of heterogeneous phenotypic datasets, BioData Mining 15 (10).
  • Trouillet B., Bellanger-Husi L., El Ghaziri A., Lamberts C., Plissonneau E., Rollo N. (2019). More than maps: Providing an alternative for fisheries and fishers in marine spatial planning, Ocean & Coastal Management. 
  • Qannari, E. M. and El Ghaziri, A. (2017). Biased Power regression: A new biased estimation procedure in linear regression. Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis 10, (1), 160-179.
  • Qannari, E. M., El Ghaziri, A., Mohamad Hanafi (2017). A continuum decorrelation of the variables; Application to multivariate regression. Journal of Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 162, 111-122.
  • El Ghaziri, A., Cariou, V., Rutledge, D. N. and Qannari, E.M.  (2016). Analysis of multiblock datasets using ComDim. Overview and extension to the analysis of (K+1) datasets. Journal of Chemometrics, 30: 420-429.
  • El Ghaziri, A. and Qannari, E.M. (2015). A continuum standardization of the variables. Application to Principal Components Analysis and PLS-regression. Journal of Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 148, 95-105. 
  • El Ghaziri, A., Qannari, E.M., Moyon, T., Alexandre-Gouabau, M.-C. (2015). AoV-PLS : a new method for the analysis of multivariate data depending on several factors. Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis 8, (2), 214-235.
  • El Ghaziri, A. and Qannari, E.M. (2015). Measures of association between two datasets; Application to sensory data. Food Quality and Preference 40, Part A: 116-124.

About me 

Main diplomas:    

2016: StatSC (Statistics, Sensometry, Chemometrics) unit at ONIRIS-Géraudière
PhD in applied statistics (20 october 2016)- relation between datasets: exploration and prediction.
PhD director: El Mostafa Qannari
2013: University of Nantes
Master 2 degree in mathematics, statistics, and probability